BSEB Practical Exam 2018 Admit Card at

BSEB Practical Exam 2018 Admit Card at

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the class 10 practical exam admit card on its official website, No dummy admit card will be issued this time by the board. BSEB 10th admit card can be corrected from January 4 to 8, if there is an error in the admit card of any student.

The BSEB 10th practical exams will be conducted between January 22 to January 24 for the optional papers including home science, music, dance and Lalit art.

Steps to download Bihar Board Class 10 Practical Exam 2018 admit card:
  • Visit the official website,
  • Click on relevant link
  • Enter user ID and password in the space provided and click submit
  • BSEB Admit card will be displayed on the screen

Note: Candidates must note that the last date to submit project work, literacy activity and internal assessment marks is January 26.

Practical exam for Class 12:
The practical examination for Class 12 board students will be held from January 11, 2018 and to January 25, 2018. The practical exams would be held in two sittings. The first sitting will be from 9:45 am to 1:00 pm and the second sitting will be from 1:45 pm to 5:00 pm.

The Bihar School Examination Board conducts an examination at the end of the Secondary School stage, for prescribing course of studies for such examination and for carrying out such other objects and duties.

Bihar board conducts Annual secondary school examination in the month of February/March and Supplementary school examination in the month of August/September evercy year.